Karol Przyborski
claims specialist
Areas of expertise:
FIDIC, infrastructure contracts
- Karol specializes in handling contracts executed under the FIDIC Conditions of Contract. In particular, he is involved in the settlement of road contracts – both by volume and lump sums
- He has extensive experience in preparing claims calculations, as well as preparing work schedules
- His engineering expertise and experience is complementary to that of the lawyers and crucial to the services of the entire team
- He began his professional practice during his studies as an assistant designer and continued as an engineer on projects involving expressways and interchanges
- Graduate of Poznan University of Technology in the field of construction – Road and bridge construction
Selected experiences
- Engineering and technical services (scheduling, technical analysis, settlements): Road S7 (Chęciny-Jędrzejów), Road S61 (section: node Łomża Zachód – node Kolno (Toto)), Road S5 (Poznań – Wrocław, section Poznań-Głuchowo-Wronczyn).
- Design and construction: S61 Szczuczyn-Budzisko (state borders) – divided into tasks: Task No. 2: section. Elk Południe interchange – Wysokie interchange