A few months ago, a new client turned to the law firm for help. The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) conducted proceedings against him regarding his violation of collective consumer interests. The client was threatened with a very high fine of up to 10% of the turnover achieved in the financial year preceding the year in which the penalty was imposed.

The client ran an online store where he sold household appliances. However, he did not attach instructions in Polish to them. There were also irregularities in the regulations of the online store. The proceedings before OCCP (UOKiK) were initiated on the basis of letters in which customers of the store informed the office about these shortcomings.

The case was very urgent, as proceedings were already pending against the client. An immediate reaction of the DSK team was necessary. Using our experience, we have prepared changes to the regulations of the online store and the client has implemented the addition of instructions in Polish to the products.

DSK also prepared a letter of rectification. We cited previous favorable decisions for our customers in such cases. The letter was sent to the OCCP (UOKiK). After examining it, the Office without hesitation discontinued the proceedings against the Client.